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Department of English and Linguistics

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Words matter.

Inspiring. Moving. Provoking. Destructive. Don’t underestimate the power of words. With a degree in English, you’ll discover just how far words can reach.
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Student laying on a bench reading a book. Accent texture


No matter your passion, you’ll find the program you need to pursue it.

Digital literacy. Language. Literature. Writing. It’s all covered in the Department of English and Linguistics. You’ll get to read the greats; write fiction, nonfiction, and poetry; learn the newest theories; study Old English; and gain an understanding of writing in digital environments.

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Male students Accent texture


Learn from faculty who are respected around the world for their scholarly research.

Great im体育s have the power to inspire and move us. Our dedicated faculty will support you every step of the way as you carve your own path.

meet our faculty


Unique Degree Programs


Minors and Certificates

Students walking to class.

Beyond the Classroom

Classrooms have no confines.

Classrooms are great, but nothing beats real-world experience. Through the Department of English and Linguistics, you’ll have the opportunity to find jobs and internships, join student organizations, and take part in inspiring research projects.

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